UTTARA-BHADRAPADA NAKSHATRA     

Male Natives

1. Physical features: Most attractive and innocent looking person. There is an inherent magnetically force in his look. If he looks at a person with a mild smile, rest assure, that person will be his slave.

2. Character and general events: He keeps equal relationship with high and low people i.e. irrespective of the status of the person. He has a spot-less heart. He does not like to give troubles to others. The only drawback noticed in this native in the behavioral field is that temper is always on the tip of his nose. However, such short-temper is not of a permanent nature. He will not hesitate to sacrifice even his life to those who love him. At the same time once he is hurt he will become a lion. He has wisdom, knowledge, and personality.

He is expert in delivering attractive speeches. He is capable of vanquishing his enemies and attains fairly high position. He is sexually inclined always and desirous of being in the company of other sex.

3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He can attain mastery over several subjects at the same time. Even if he is not academically much educated, his expression and knowledge put forward to the world will equal to that of highly educated persons. He is much interested in fine arts and has ability to write prolonged articles or books.

In the work field, he can shine well due to his extraordinary capacity and capability. Laziness is a remote question for him. Once he opts to undertake a job he cannot turn back till that job is completed. Even in the case of utter failure he is not desperate. If he is employed he will reach to the top. In most of the cases it has been noticed that even if this Nakshatra born persons are employed initially in the lower or middle level positions, they later on reach to a good position and they always receive reward and praise from others.

It has been noticed that his stability in life or even the slightest upward movement begins after his marriage. He starts his livelihood at a very young age say 18 or 19 years of age. He will have important changes in the professional field at his 19th, 21st, 28th, 30th, 35th and 42nd years.

4. Family life: While he keeps praising his father on the one side due to the prominent personality and religious rigidity of his father, he cannot virtually derive any benefit from his father. He leads a neglected childhood. He is normally subjected to a life away from his hometown.

His married life will be full of happiness. He will be blessed to have a most suitable wife. His children also will be an asset, most obedient, understanding and respecting children. He will be blessed with grandchildren also. He is an ornament in his family.

5. Health: His health will be very good. He is non-care about his own health. Hence he will search for a doctor only when he is seriously ill. He is prone to paralytic attack, stomach problems, piles, and hernia.


Female Natives

Females born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results, as that is applicable for male natives mentioned above. In addition, the following results will also be enjoyed:

1. Physical features: She is of medium height with stout body. Large and protruding eyes.

2. Character and general events: She is a real "Lakshmi" (goddess of wealth) in the family. She is the embodiment of a real family woman. Her behavior is extremely cordial, respectful and praise worthy. Adaptability as the circumstances warrants. Suitability as the occasion warrants and lastly impartiality as the country needs is her main characteristics. When all these three essentials required for the present day are combined in one, what more I can describe or attribute to her character.

3. Education, sources of earning/profession: Employed females can attain good positions due to their own effort. She is best suited to the profession of a lawyer or arbitrator. She is also a good nurse or a doctor.

4. Family life: These females will be a gem in any family they are born or married. In other words, their footsteps are sufficient to bring in Laxmi (goddess of wealth).

5. Health: She is prone to rheumatic pains, acute indigestion, constipation, and hernia and in some cases tuberculosis of low intensity.


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