1STJANUARY 2022 to 31ST DECEMBER 2022                                           


                            BALDEV BHATIA

                Telephone No:  91-11-26686856

              Mobile      No:  91-11- 9810075249   




ARIES:      21st March to 19th APRIL 



The initial period mainly focuses on your career, your domestic life, profession, educational pursuits, speculation, dispute related to properties and sale purchase of vehicles, with few hindrances in your day today works. However the rest of year shall prove to be quite normal, beneficial and rewarding.    



Tension aggression and strong opposition may be faced in your job and profession till mid-year. Routines works calls for greater care and attention. Due care and caution is utmost necessary in your job or profession as your relationship with your superiors may often get spoiled. Your job may also be at stake and you may be asked to go on leave or leave the job. Change of your existing job, profession or business is also on the cards. Some of you may even be posted to far off places or to some religious places.





Those involved in Import-Export business shall have to remain vigilant during the shipment of their cargo or consignment. Exporters and Importers are advised to avoid any conflict with the foreign buyers or sellers. The payments are likely to be delayed for some time. Mutual compromise would bring some fruitful gains.



Money matters need to be controlled wisely, or else you may run out of your saved finances. Some changes are stored for you, which shall prove to be quite beneficial for you in the long run. The second half of the year holds better prospects and good financial gains are indicated.



Business folks can look forward for some interesting and eventful changes. A change for betterment is quite assured. Business shall be on the rise and success is quite assured in near future. Other business people like, Traders, Shopkeepers, Grocers, Travel Tour Operators, Commission Agents and General Merchants shall be gaining good wealth after the initial months of the year.



Persons dealing in decorative and fancy items, interior decorators, photographers, stand to gain good wealth during the year. Fashion Designers shall also do lucrative business irrespective of all odds. Recovery of wealth is indicated. Hoteliers, Film and T.V. Personalities, would earn pretty well this year. 




Property matters, which have been in litigations till date, shall be finalized with fruitful rewards during this year. A shift of residence is in the offing and there is every possibility you may get a new premises. Property and automobile gains are indicated. 



Businessmen in the field of medical profession would be making a good amount of wealth during the mid period of the year. Doctors planning to run nursing home would succeed in doing. They are also to get good financial support from banks and other financial intuitions. 




Prosperous and better times are ahead for teaching people. Promotion is around the corner. Teachers, Lecturers and Professors are to earn good wealth this year. Those in print media or those in publishing can look forward to a favorable period. Writers, Printers, Publishers, judges, Journalists and Lawyers stand to gain good wealth during the second half of the year.




Prizes and rewards are stored for meritorious students. Many of them may even go abroad for higher studies. The lady luck shall be smiling on them this year.




 You would be in your good moods and your relation with your spouse shall improve considerably. Exciting and romantic meetings are stored around the year. Romance shall be quite pleasing and favorable. There would be improvement in health and health is likely to remain normal. On the whole, the year promises to be quite eventful, prosperous, and fruitful despite tension and few obstructions. 


TAURUS: 20th April to 20th May



The year emphasis is on job, profession, financial angle, your relationships with your close friends and relatives, joint family affairs, your domestic affairs speculation, foreign business, travel and tour abroad, health prospects, buying and selling of properties, and vehicles. A progressive and fruitful year lies ahead of you.




The first half of the year is quite tedious and monotonous.. After mid-year tension shall be reduced and you shall be able to chalk out your future plans quite peacefully. A sign of relief and glory would be visualized as the time passes by.




It would be in your interest to stick to your existing job or profession during the initial months of the year, as the remaining year holds better financial prospects. You are to get good offers in the coming months. The unemployed stand better chances of getting good and lucrative job after the first quarter.




Relationship with your friends and close associates which would be quite important to you, where the influential people would also come to your aid and you would be able to get good financial support from them. 




Your domestic life would remain under some pressure. Much of your time would be spent on solving domestic issues and unnecessary expenditure on joint family is also foretold. Expenses on joint family affairs may mount suddenly.




Property matters, which have been in litigations till date, shall be finalized with fruitful rewards during the second phase of the year. Division of parental properties is on the cards, and there is every possibility that your parental property may be divided and you may get a part of the same in near future. 




A growth and rise in business is foretold. Businessmen in the field of trading, communication and arts and crafts would be making a good amount of wealth during the initial period of the year. Persons dealing in decorative and fancy items, interior decorators, photographers, stand to gain good wealth during the first half of the year. Fashion Designers shall also do lucrative business irrespective of all odds.




Writers, Printers, Publishers, Journalists and Lawyers stand to gain good wealth despite few problems, which they may face during the first few months of the year. 




Druggist, Chemist, those in medical profession would be making a good amount of wealth during the initial period of the year. They are warned to be more careful while signing new partnership deeds.




Children would do quite well and your worry about their progress and prosperity would be over soon.  Favorable news can be expected from them. Students too shall fair well in their examinations.




Exciting and romantic meetings are stored for you during the year. Control over diet and regularity in meals would be able to save you much, from minor health hazards. Overall a successful and changeable year awaits you. Welcome it with open arms.


GEMINI:  21st May to 20th June



The year emphasizes on your routine works, your profession and career, building up new friendship, enlarging your social circle, property matters, and land business. Those trading in the above business may face few obstacles during the first quarter of the year. Thereafter, better wealth can be expected with a renewed or change in business.




Your routines works calls for more application of your brain. Hard work will be the key to success. With patience and tolerance you shall be able to solve your day-to-day problems and shall be able to achieve greater targets. Your financial position shall improve considerably.  Monetary gains are indicated during the second half of the year but the first half would be more stressful and stannous.



Your job or profession can also be at stake and you may even, plan to resign or change your existing work. There is a strong indication that your relationship with your superiors, colleagues or subordinates may often get spoiled and strangled and a stiff opposition may be met in your day-to-day life during the initial and end months of the year.



You are advised to keep nice relationship with your close associates and friends, as they could be more demanding. Minor misunderstanding if any should be cleared while communicating with them. Problems could be solved through peaceful negotiations. Better avoid legal disputes with them.




Control over anger is utmost essential during the initial months of the year. Marital and domestic affairs shall be sorted out mutually and any dispute arising out of the non-compliance by the partners should be worked out amicably. With patience and tolerance you shall be able to sort out all problems and shall bring normalcy in your disturbed family atmosphere.




Teachers, Professors and those in teaching profession may find this year quite beneficial and productive where they are certainly poised for a promotion and increment. Printers, Publishers, Journalists and Lawyers stand to gain good wealth despite few problems, which they may be facing during the mid period of the year. 




Druggist, Chemist, those in medical profession would be making a good amount of wealth during the mid-period of the year. They are warned to be more careful while signing new partnership deeds.




Accountants, Commission Agents, Writers, Travel and Tour Operators shall be getting good amount of wealth during the initial and end months of the year. Furnishers, Decorators, Fashion Designers, would do quite well. Hidden gains are stored for them. Persons connected with Media, Hotel and Garments industry should also do pretty well. A growth and rise in income is foretold. Recovery of wealth is around the corner.  




Romantic affairs shall be quite pleasing and exciting and the first half. A good year is in the offing as far as romance is concerned. Health hazards may be faced during the first phase of the year. Better avoid excessive mental strain.





The year mainly focuses on your relationship angle, career, property matters, and your routine works. Certain changes with regards to your profession and career are foreseen. Good finances, promotion in your job, change in profession, educational pursuits, property transactions, along with court cases and health factors are the key points this year.  



The year mainly focuses your profession, joint family affairs, business and speculation. The year also signifies matter related to your spouse, court cases, and your health, unwanted expenditure would be on the rise, Attention shall have to be paid on your health, joint family and on your spouse affairs.  Your spouse or your partners shall be more demanding this year. Much of your time shall be spend on solving domestic issues.  



It is also a year of implementation of new schemes and plans.  Important plans and new deals shall be worked out and you shall be getting profits through them. New partnership deeds, joint business ventures and interesting collaborations shall be finalized, which shall yield lucrative gains after midyear.  



Relationship with close associates would be quite important to you, where you may not be able to get good moral and financial support from your dear and near ones. You are advised to keep good and nice relationship with them. Minor misunderstanding if any should be cleared and sorted out while communicating with them. Problems could be solved through peaceful negotiations.  



Druggist, Chemist, those in medical profession is warned to be more careful while signing new partnership deeds. Doctors planning to run nursing home are cautioned to be vigilant. Though success is indicated in the long run, the first few months may find some hurdles coming in their way. 



Decorative persons and dealing in fancy items i.e., photographers, caterers, Hoteliers, Designers, Film and TV. Artists stand to gain good wealth initial and end months of the year.  



For Teachers, Professors and those running Tuition Center the first half of the year may not prove to be fruitful, but good progress is indicated during the second half of the year and promises lucrative gains. Wealth can be expected from religious places.  



Romantic meetings would be a sweet- sour affair. Better avoid hasty romance and take proper care of while meeting your sweet heart. Health hazards are foreseen and your stomach or back portion calls for special attention. 



On the whole the year is to bring pleasing and fruitful results despite few hindrances and obstacles in the initial months. A changeable, successful and progressive year is ahead of you.  



LEO:   23rd July to 22nd August 




A year of mixed and fluctuating fortune is ahead of you. Good and bad events are evenly stored. The first half may be bit tedious and expensive but the second half promises to hold better prospects and stability for you.   Mental tension is also likely to prevail during the initial period of the year.  




This phase mainly focuses on your joint family affairs, your job and profession, your domestic and partnership affairs. You may be experiencing the sudden burden of huge expenditure with regards to your joint family affairs.  




Bold decisions would have to be taken with regards to your profession and the fear of professional instability, that has been bothering you, for quite some time, has to be ignored, for betterment and prosperity of your life.     




A cordial atmosphere must be maintained at home in order to lead a peaceful domestic life. Your spouse or your business partners could be more demanding this year. Control over anger is utmost essential. With patience and tolerance you shall be able to sort out all problems and shall bring normalcy in your disturbed family atmosphere.    




 A change in profession and business is on the cards. Some of you may even be diversifying your field of activities and some of you may, all together be changing you line of profession. All these changes shall however bring some positive gain and you are on the verge of a turnabout. 




 A growth and rise in business is foretold. Businessmen in the field of Advertisement, Communication and Trading, shall yield good profits during the mid and end months of the year. Other business folks like Shopkeepers, Grocers, Travel and Tour Operators, Commission Agents and General Merchants shall be gaining good wealth.     




Persons dealing in Decorative and Fancy, Items, Interior Decorators Photographers, stand to gain good wealth during the initial months. Fashion Designers shall also do lucrative business irrespective of all odds. Recovery of wealth is indicated. Hoteliers, Film and T.V. Personalities, would earn pretty well around mid-year.     




Those running Steel-Iron, Automobile, Land, Property or Construction Business are likely to face labor problem till the midyear. Better prospects are stored for them during the second half of the year. Sudden financial gains are also in the offing. Though you may be buying or selling some properties in near future but legal advice should be sought before finalizing any property or vehicle transaction.    




Druggist, Chemist, those in medical profession would be making a good amount of wealth during the mid-period of the year. They are warned to be more careful while signing new partnership deeds. Doctors planning to run nursing home would succeed in doing.  




Servicemen can expect transfers to some unwanted places. Some of you may even be transferred to far off places or may even be posted to foreign countries on special assignment basis. The jobless too shall be able to find suitable appointments during the middle months of the year.




A Change of vehicle or residence is also on the cards. Some of you may even be renovating or decorating your office and residence premises during the first phase of the year.    




Exciting and romantic meetings are stored for you during this year. Romance with a co-fellow person is in the offing.   Mental tension should be avoided at all cost during the initial months.    



Health factor may often bother you this year. Your eyes, mouth, and throat could be a cause of concern.   Control over diet and regularity in meals would be able to save you much, from health hazards. Overall an exciting eventful and interesting period awaits you.  



VIRGO:   23rd August to 22nd September 




The year mainly focuses on your spouse or your partner’s affairs, court cases, health, children and partnership deeds. Unwanted expenditure shall be on the rise, which needs to be controlled wisely.   Attention shall have to be paid on your health, joint family and on your spouse.    




During the first half, expenditure on domestic and joint family affairs may mount suddenly and you may have to shell out your saved finances to meet these expenses. Mental tension is also to prevail. Your spouse or your partners shall be more demanding this year. Much of your time shall be spend on solving domestic issues. Sudden domestic tension may also crop up.    




A cordial atmosphere must be maintained at home in order to lead a peaceful domestic life. Control over anger is utmost essential. With patience and tolerance you shall be able to sort out all problems and shall bring normalcy in your disturbed family atmosphere.    




A tedious time is ahead for students, and for literary pursuits. However those interesting in enhancing their education shall get plenty of opportunities to prove their skill and talent. Children would be a cause of your worry and you would be more concerned about their progress and prosperity. 




Speculators and those in share market may not be making quick bucks during the first half of the year. The first half calls for more care and caution. Unexpected gains can be got during few phases of the second half.  




Servicemen hold better prospects for promotion or extra monetary gains during the second half of the year. Due care and caution is needed during the first three months. During this period you may be asked to resign or fired unnecessary. A change of job is also in the offing. There are also numerous job opportunities, stored for job seekers during this year irrespective of hard times.    




Those in teaching profession may not get good wealth during the first and the end quarters of the year. Lawyers, Advocates, Judges, Writers, Publishers, and Media personal shall be able to push their targets easily. Recovery of wealth, a rise in income and better financial prospects are foretold during mid-year.  




Those keenly involved in business would be going for an additional change and shall also be expanding their existing business this year. However joint business partnership is not advisable. Business folks like Traders, Shopkeepers, Grocery Merchants, Travel and Tour Operators, Fancy Good Dealers, shall get good orders and stand to gain good wealth despite all odds. Recovery of dues and the loans taken earlier shall be repaid back soon.     




Pharmacists, Druggist and those in Medical Profession would be getting their income enhanced through various new proposals. Those planning to set up industry or new manufacturing units shall be able to do so during the second phase of this year. Joint finances shall be available after midyear. However better avoid verbal talks and stick to written agreements.     




Happy romantic meetings are foretold during the initial and end months of the year. Your love life could be more interesting and exciting. Marriage is likely to be postponed due to one reason or the other.  




Your health needs to be watched carefully as your heart or chest could be a cause of concern and your stomach may easily get upset. Indigestion and gastric troubles would often bother you, during the first half of the year. Regularity in taking food needs to be adhered to.    



LIBRA:    23rd September to 22nd October 



This year mainly focuses on the issues relating to your domestic life, court cases, new partnership deeds, your health, foreign business, travel and tour abroad. During initial months your domestic life is to remain disturbed and a good amount of wealth may have to be spent in meeting your family needs.  



The first half could also be tedious, tiring and expensive, but the second half promises to hold better prospects and stability for you. After this period your tensions shall be reduced and you shall be able to chalk out your future plans quite peacefully and a sign of relief and glory would be visualized as the time passes by.  



Bold decisions would have to be taken with regards to your    profession and career and the fear of professional instability that has been bothering you, for quite some time, has to be ignored, for the betterment and the prosperity of your life.  



Utmost care is necessary in your job or profession as your relationship with your superiors, colleagues or sub-ordinates may often get spoiled.  It would be in your interest to stick to your existing job or profession during the initial months of the year, as the remaining year holds better financial prospects for you and you are to get good offers.  


The unemployed stand better chances of getting good and lucrative job after the first quarter is over. It is also advisable for you to take quick and bold decisions with regards to your day-to-day work, which will enable you to mold the things and matters in your favor.  



Except for first few months your children would do quite well and your worry about their progress and prosperity would be over soon.  Favorable news can be expected from them. Students too shall do well in their examinations. They would achieve success. Prizes and rewards are stored for meritorious students. Many of them may even go abroad for higher studies. The lady luck shall be smiling on them this year.  



Writers, Printers, Publishers, Journalists and Lawyers stand to gain good wealth.  Druggist, Chemist, those in medical profession would be making a good amount of wealth during the initial period of the year. They are warned to be more careful while signing new partnership deeds.  



Persons dealing in decorative and fancy items, interior decorators, photographers, stand to gain good wealth during the first half of the year. Fashion Designers shall also do lucrative business irrespective of all odds. Renovation of your office premises or residence is on the cards. For those running steel-Iron, Automobile or properly business better prospects are stored for them during the second half of the year. Sudden financial gains are also in dictated.    



Foreign affairs shall take much of your time and energy. Those involved in Import-Export business shall have to remain vigilant during the shipment of their cargo or consignment. Exporters and Importers are advised to avoid any conflict with the foreign buyers or sellers during the initial months. The payments are likely to be delayed for some time. Mutual compromise would bring some fruitful gains.    



Court cases or litigation would take much of your time and energy. A court case or litigation may come up for hearing; you are advised to be more careful and cautious during the first half of the year. Proper legal advice should be taken before signing any assignment or deal. Heavy expenses may have to be shelled out for settling the case in your favor. 



Exciting and romantic meetings are stored for you during the year. Health problems are foreseen. Your eyes neck and throat could be a cause of concern. Control over diet and regularity in meals would be able to save you much, from minor health hazards. Recovery of health is also foretold for those who have been ailing for some time.    






A changeable, successful and progressive year is ahead of you. The year mainly focuses on your profession, family affairs, business prospects, children matters, and speculation which would also be one of the key factors this year. Most of the plans chalked out earlier shall get materialized you are to gain good wealth during the initial and mid months of the year.     




Those in service can expect better emoluments and a rise in status is around the corner. However relationship with superiors or sub-ordinates calls for more care and caution. Better be soft spoken. You shall win laurels. The jobless too shall be able to find suitable appointments during this year.    




Children would be a matter of concern. Much attention needs to be given to your children’s affairs and their educational pursuits. Those appearing for competitive examinations would have to work really hard for achieving success. Success is quite assured in near future.  




Excessive speculation must be avoided in order to safe guard your hard earned money. Wealth loss is indicated if excessive speculation is done in share market or lottery business. Business folks are to flourish despite initial hick-ups. There is scope for expansion of your business this year and anything new tried out this period could to fetch good profits. On financial angle a good progress and prosperity is foretold however, however handling of finances should be done with plenty of patience and tolerance during the initial months of the year.  




Those in the field of trading, commission agency, advertisement, communications, shall gain good wealth during the year. Accountants, Commission Agents, Writers, Travel and Tour Operators shall be getting good amount of wealth during the initial and end months of the year.  




Furnishers, Decorators, Fashion Designers, would do quite well. Hidden gains are stored for them. Persons connected with Media, Hotel and Garments industry should also do pretty well. A growth and rise in income is foretold. Recovery of wealth is around the corner.   



Old partnership deeds shall be revived and new proposals shall be worked out which shall yield fruitful gains. A good progress shall be achieved and financial prosperity along with stability is quite assured in near future. New enterprises shall fetch them good bargains.  




Prosperous and better times are ahead for teaching people. Promotion is around the corner. Teachers, Lecturers and Professors are to earn good wealth this year. They may be awarded special prizes and out of turn promotion is also indicated irrespective of all odds.  




Pharmacists, Druggist and those in Medical Profession shall have to wait little longer in getting their income enhanced through various new proposals. Those planning to set up industry or new manufacturing units shall have also to postpone it for time being as the stars do not favor them during the first half of this year.  




A change of residence or vehicle is on the cards. Property matters, which have been in litigations till date, shall be finalized with fruitful rewards during the initial and end months of the year.  




Romantically it may not be a resounding period during the initial months of the year but as the year progress the romantic meeting would proof to be quite interesting and eventful.     



Health hazards are foreseen and your stomach or back portion calls for special attention. Avoid excessive drinking and eating. On the whole the year shall bring pleasing and fruitful results.  



SAGITTARIUS:22nd November to 21st December    


The year begins with a tough note where much of your time shall be consumed in solving your day today problems. Your routine works calls for more care and caution and you are advised to be more careful with regards to daily works. Till mid of year you need to take care of the expenditure on your routine works. Mental tension is also likely to prevail. 
After mid-year tension shall be reduced and you shall be able to chalk out your future plans quite peacefully and a sign of relief and glory would be visualized as the time passes by. Some changes are stored for you, which shall prove to be quite beneficial for you in the long run.    


You are advised to keep nice relationship with your close associates and friends, as they could be more demanding. Minor misunderstanding if any should be cleared while communicating with them. Problems could be solved through peaceful negotiations. Better avoid legal disputes with them.  


Those who are in service can expect promotion and extra monetary benefits during the first half of this year. A change of job for the betterment is also in the offing. The unemployed can look forward for a bright career during this period.   


Business people like, Traders, Shopkeepers, Grocers, Travel Tour Operators, Commission Agents and General Merchants shall be gaining good wealth during the initial and end months of the year. Dealers of Fancy Items, Interior decorators, Fashion Designer, T.V. and Media Personals shall also be benefited. Decorators, Furnishers Photographers and Restaurant owners should do pretty well. Recovery of wealth is indicated.        


You may be buying or selling some properties in near future but legal advice should be sought before finalizing any property or vehicle transaction. Those dealing in land property, Automobile, Agriculture, may face few obstacles during the first quarter of the year. Thereafter, better wealth can be expected with a renewed or change in business. A shift of residence is in the offing. 
Teachers, Professors and those in teaching profession may find this year to be quite tiring and unproductive where few obstacles may have to be faced with regards promotion and increment.  The second half of the year promises to bring some fruitful results.  


Those in print media or those in publishing can look forward to a favorable period. Writers, Printers, Publishers, judges, Journalists and Lawyers stand to gain good wealth from far off places despite few problems, which they may face during the initial months of the year.       


Exciting and romantic meetings are stored for you. Romance shall be quite pleasing and favorable during the initial, mid and end months of the year. Health needs to be watched during first few months of the year.  




The year mainly focuses on issues relating to your domestic life, joint family matters, and your relationships with your friends close relatives, health prospects, foreign business, travel and tour abroad. During the first quarter, expenditure on domestic and joint family affairs may mount suddenly and you may have to shell out your saved finances to meet these expenses. Mental tension is also to prevail. As the time passes, your tensions shall be reduced and you shall be able to chalk out your future plans quite peacefully and successfully.    


Your mental anger and aggression need to be curtailed on sensitive issues. Control over anger is utmost essential. With patience and tolerance you shall be able to sort out all problems and shall bring normalcy in your disturbed family atmosphere.    


Money matters need to be controlled wisely, or else you may run out of your saved finances. Some changes are stored for you, which shall prove to be quite beneficial for you in the long run. The second half of the year holds better prospects and good financial gains are indicated.  


Relationship with close associates would also be quite important to you, where your friends and relatives could be more demanding. The initial period calls for more care and caution. Your relationship with your relatives could easily get spoiled over petty matters. Be cautious and careful while you dealing with them.  


Property matters, which have been in litigations till date, shall be finalized with fruitful rewards during the second phase of the year. A shift of residence is in the offing and there is every possibility you may get a new premises. Property and automobile gains are indicated.    


Those in service would also find this year to be quite tough and challenging, promotion is likely to be delayed for some reason or the other.  Some of you may even be transferred to foreign land or at far off places. Unemployed would get good opportunities for better employment during the second half.
Teachers, Professors and those in teaching profession may find this year to be quite tiring and unproductive where few obstacles may have to be faced with regards promotion and increment.  The second half of the year promises to bring some fruitful results.  


Accountants, Commission Agents, Writers, Travel and Tour Operators shall be getting good amount of wealth during the initial and end months of the year. Furnishers, Decorators, Fashion Designers, would do quite well. Hidden gains are stored for them. Persons connected with Media, Hotel and Garments industry should also do pretty well. A growth and rise in income is foretold. Recovery of wealth is around the corner.     


Druggist, Chemist, those in medical profession would be making a good amount of wealth during the mid-period of the year. Doctors planning to run nursing home would succeed in doing. However they are warned to be more careful while signing new partnership deeds and while treating their clients during the first phase of the year.  


Your romantic meetings would be quite interesting and exciting. Your health needs to be watched very carefully. Mental tension and aggression needs to be controlled on many occasions. Your eyes, head and throat needs to be paid more attention. Overall a challenging and eventful year is ahead of you.


AQUARIUS:    20th January to 18th February    



The year mainly focuses on issues relating to your domestic life, joint family matters, and your relationships with your friends close relatives, health prospects, buying and selling of properties, or vehicles. The year also focuses on your finances, promotion in your job and profession, and educational pursuits. Income shall be on the rise. A happy year is around the corner.  




During the initial months, expenditure on domestic and joint family affairs may mount. Mental tension is also likely to prevail. Some changes are stored for you, which shall prove to be quite beneficial for you in the long run. The second half of the year stores better prospects and good financial gains are indicated.  




Property matters, which have been in litigations till date, shall be finalized with fruitful rewards during the second phase of the year. Property, Land, Dealers should take extra care and caution during first half of the year, as this period could be quite tiring and wasteful.    




Those who are in service can expect promotion and extra monetary benefits this year. Change of job is also in the offing. There is some good news for job seekers. Job seekers would be able to find good jobs for themselves, as numerous job opportunities shall be knocking at their doors during this year, irrespective of hard times.  Foreign assignment is also on the way.  




Mental tension is also to prevail. Control over anger is utmost essential during the initial months of the year, in order to live a peaceful and happy domestic life. Your mental anger and aggression has to be curtailed during the above phase.  




Business folks shall be able to enhance their existing business and a rise in income is foretold. Those in the field of Advertisements, Communication and Trading, shall yield good profits during the mid and end months of the year. Other business folks like Shopkeepers, Grocers, Travel and Tour Operators, Commission Agents and General Merchants shall be gaining good wealth.  




Those in profession of teaching shall succeed in getting new assignments.  Teachers, Lecturers, and Professors, shall be promoted or a raise in salary is indicated. Printers, Publishers, Lawyers, Journalists, would get good wealth despite few hurdles. Foreign travel is on the cards.    




Writers, Accountants, Commission Agents, Travel and Tour Operators shall get good amount of during the initial and end months of the year. Furnishers, Decorators, Fashion Designers, would do quite well. Hidden gains are stored for them. Persons connected with Media, Hotel and Garments industry should also do pretty well. A growth and rise in income is foretold.     




Children would do quite well and your worry about their progress and prosperity would be over soon. Favorable news can be expected from them. Students too shall do well in their examinations and they may also travel abroad for higher studies.     




Speculators and those in share markets would not be making quick bucks till the mid-year they are advised to be more vigilant and cautious during the first part of the year.  




Exciting and romantic meetings are stored for you during the mid-period of the year. Those suffering from chronic disease shall get relieved and improvement in health is quite assured after mid-year. On the whole the year promises to be quite prosperous fruitful and interesting despite few bad phases. 




PISCES: 19th February to 20th March  



The year emphasizes on your routine works, your profession and career, building up new friendship, enlarging your social circle, property matters. Control over anger is utmost essential during the initial months of the year. Marital and domestic affairs shall be sorted out mutually and any dispute arising out of the non-compliance by the partners should be worked out amicably. With patience and tolerance you shall be able to sort out all problems and shall bring normalcy in your disturbed family atmosphere.  




Your routines works calls for more application of your brain. Hard work will be the key to success. With patience and tolerance you shall be able to solve your day-to-day problems and shall be able to achieve greater targets. Your financial position shall improve considerably.  Monetary gains are indicated during the second half of the year but the first half would be more stressful and stannous.  




Your job or profession can also be at stake and you may even, plan to resign or change your existing work. There is a strong indication that your relationship with your superiors, colleagues or subordinates may often get spoiled and strangled and a stiff opposition may be met in your day-to-day life during the initial and end months of the year.  




Those dealing in land property, Automobile; Agriculture business may face few obstacles during the first quarter of the year. Thereafter, better wealth can be expected with a renewed or change in business. A shift of residence is in the offing. Sudden financial gains are also in the offing. Though you may be buying or selling some properties in near future legal advice should be sought before finalizing any property or vehicle transaction.  




Old partnership deeds shall be revived and new proposals shall be worked out which shall yield fruitful gains. A good progress shall be achieved and financial prosperity along with stability is quite assured in near future.  




Obstacles in inland and foreign travel are indicated. Avoid long distance journey should be avoided during initial months. The foreign trade or business should be handled quite carefully. Exporters and Importers are advised to avoid any conflict with the foreign buyers or sellers. Those involved in foreign trade should remain vigilant and cautious during the initial months of the year.  




Prosperous and better times are ahead for teaching people. Promotion is around the corner. Teachers, Lecturers and Professors are to earn good wealth this, year. They may be awarded special prizes and out of turn promotion is also indicated.    




Accountants, Commission Agents, Writers, Travel and Tour Operators shall be getting good amount of wealth during the initial and end months of the year. Furnishers, Decorators, Fashion Designers, would do quite well. Hidden gains are stored for them. Persons connected with Media, Hotel and Garments industry should also do pretty well. A growth and rise in income is foretold. Recovery of wealth is around the corner.    




Children would fare pretty well. Your worries about their future would be narrowed down as they would bring the desired results. Students may even go abroad for higher studies.  




A good year is in the offing as far as romance is concerned. Health hazards may be faced during the first phase of the year. Better avoid excessive mental strain. On the whole, the year promises to be exciting eventful and a bit tenuous. Do take care of your hard earned money.